All of our projects take place with the support and collaboration of numerous individuals and institutions. We extend our sincere thanks to the following bodies and individuals:
Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, SOAS, University of London
Philippine Studies Seminar Series Berlin, Humboldt University
Philippine Embassy of London
A-Side B-Side Gallery
London Biennale
Neck of the Woods
Noel Ed De Leon Archives
Something Human
Sari-Sari, Berlin
Artists, Speakers and Producers:
David Medalla
Adam Nankervis
Dr Patrick Flores
Gene Alcantara
Dr Maria Jose Sanchez
Mariana Sastre
Catherine Magnani
Sorin Choi
Rhine Bernardino
Kulay Labitigan
Lawrence Carlos
Vanessa Scully
Renante Toca
Leah de Leon
Kat Ocol
Noel Montano
Christina Rodriguez
Annie Jael Kwan
Alessandra Ciannetti
Lizza May David
Dayang Yraola
Mr Bryan Valencia (c) PassportAndCam
Mr Lawrence Carlos (c) Lawrence Carlos Photography
Digital and Design Assistant:
Sherwin Bilgera